jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

English Challenges


Well, this is the last blog of the semester :´( 

About the use of blog , I can say that I really enjoy writing on the net and I discovered this with this subject. For that reason I really thankful with the teacher, because the topics that she gave us were really motivating. Also, I discovered that this work is easy for me, I don´t know if I really write excelent in English, but I can feel it in that way. 

Now, about this subject, I confess that in some time is boring, because in first place this is an obligation to get our degree, it isn´t a voluntarily activity.For that reason we don´t have always the necesary attention to learn English. 
In second place, the schedule is not the optimal, because in the most of the time the class is in the afternoon, after eating. And in this period of time, we really are sleepy. Is a biological condition. 
And finally, except for our enthusiastic teacher, the activities are really repeating and uninteresting. I have to say that the best of this subject was the teacher, her energy, flexibility and dedication are inspiring. Without her the class had been a hell! Thank you dear Teacher Rosa!!

About, some aspects of my English I need to improve my grammar and listening. This summer I plan to going to Australia to visit my sister and make the most of the tripp to practice my English. And in other way, I plan in the future take another English class to learn more about this language. Despite this,  I know to lear another language I need to practice a lot, because LEARN BY HEART is a long and difficult trip.

Outside the English class,  I don´t use a lot my English, just I use it to read some little texts and to comunicated whith my Aussie family. But in the future I think that I need to use more my English to read some texts about Psychology and for this I really need to have a good level in this beautiful language.

Ok, this is the end!!
Good bye bloggers! :)

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

2015 Reflections


Well, This year has been everything!! Love, success, loneliness, surprises, illness, health, good company, new friends, stress, etc... I can really mention a lot of other situations.

For example, I want to start with the good things that have happened to me. The most important was my boyfriend. This year I really knew the love. In March I met Cristobal and my life changed, because he is so different in relation to me, for that reason he brings the other points of the life that I never think or know. He shows me to enjoy the life and he teaches me a lot about the relationships. Every day I express my gratitude for having met him. He is the best lover-partner that I`ve ever had!! 

In the opposite way, the situations that haven`t worked so well I can mention that my health hasn't been quite well, because this year I was sick a lot in comparison with other years and now I don`t feel good. I think I need vacations now!!! I think my body and soul need to rest a lot.

About my achievements I can say that I`ve get the most of the things that I outlined. For example I can study and work at the same time. I`ve been working these months in a JUNAEB training with a university's teacher. And I really enjoy this experience. Also I continue doing exercise like swimming and in the last period of the year I started to learn “Afro Peruano”, that is a dance which mixes the afro and Peruvian rhythms .

This year I think has been really rare for the multiplicity of experiences that I have been living. I really hope the next year is better and more stable than this. 

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Summer Plans


Today I would like to tell you about my summer plans. I have already planned a trip to February 2016. I`m going to Australia, especially to Melbourne, because my sister  lives in this city and I want to share some time with her and her Aussie family.
I`m going to go to this trip with my mom, because she wants to see my sister and know her life there. I think this trip could be a beautiful family experience. 

We are going to travel on February 14th and we are going to be back in March 12th, therefor we have a month to enjoy. We are very excited!! We do not have a schedule yet, but I hope that we do it in these months. Anyway I want to visit the Melbourne University in where my sister studies, I want to take a ride on bicycle around the city, go to interesting shops, go to some cafes and restaurant to eat and drink something exclusive of the country. Actually, I really want to go to Canberra to one of the Jamie`s Oliver Restaurants. As well as I want to go to Sydney and watch a cultural event in the Opera House. And of course, I want to go to the beach and maybe -why not- learn to surf. 

Well I know that these activities are a dream and maybe we won`t do all this, but the principal objective of this trip is to spend some time with my sister and brother in law and know their friends and life there. I think with this point covered I will be happy anyway.

To concretize this summer plan I`ve been having 2 difficulties: The money and the language. On the first hand, I`ve had to work this year and probably I`ve had to do it until we go abroad the plane hahahaha Because we need a lot of money, Australia is an expensive country. And on the second hand,  I need to improve my English, because I have to speak to other people to do everything.  

 I hope that everything goes well! And feel myself in Australia like this canguru!! hahahahah

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

My best friend


Well, when I think in my friends I can see in my mind some faces. But when I think in a best friend just one face comes to my mind: My sister.I know that it  is my sister first, and for some people this is a trick. But she really is my best friend.

Her name is Marcela and she is an a extraordinary woman. She is so smart, funny and kind. She is so authentic, she doesn't need decorations or tricks to be loved. She can give you the best pieces of advice while she shares with you a cup of tea, a pisco sour or just a great moment.

I can say that I always know her. But in first time we were just sisters and with the past of the years we became real friends. I think this happened, because we became aware that we were so similar in some way and we enjoyed sharing time together.

I love Marcela! Because there isn't any human being on the earth who knows me so well or as much as her and vice versa. Also I enjoyed all the situations that  we live together, even the worst that the life presents. She  has always been present in the most important events of my life in spite of  the fact that she is living in Australia. 

There are so many memories that I have with her, but the best was when she got married  and I helped her with all the organization of the wedding. It was a crazyness! But I really enjoyed to see her so happy and I loved sharing that personal process with her.

I don't want to sound cheesy but I really feel that she is my soul mate and I hope to continue sharing my life with her. 

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

How green are you?


 I have to confess that I'm  ignorant about this theme. I don't know so much things about environmentally friendly practices, just that everybody have to recycle, because the trash is a big problem for our planet.
I live in a commercial neighborhood and in this part of the city don't exist a recycling system, for that reason, I don't recycling, but I really want to do it. 

For other hand, I use the bicycle to move for the city, I don`t do this  every day but I try to do it the most of the time. And I prefer walk some distances instead of use the public transportation. 

I don`t belong to any eco-organization at this moment, because I don`t have time to join me and work for this cause. But I try to publisher on my Facebook some important information about the care of the planet. For example, I always post information about Greenpeace or the way to reduce the production of trash, or recycling`s ideas.

Imagen relacionadaTo reduce my carbon footprint  in my diary life, I try to consume products that it don`t contain or use plastic. For example, I always take with me a steel bottle with water. Besides,  I always take my cart to the supermarket for don`t have to use plastic bags and the most of the time, I try to eat vegetarian food and food with not so much meat.  Also, in my home I try to give another use to some things to don`t have to take out the garbage. And I use bulb of saving energy in every room of my house.

I think that missing in our society regarding this issue is become aware about the damage that we produce every day to the planet. If we realize about this, probably we change our actions in relation to the care of the planet. And I think this generally conscience has to promote for the Estate, like a government issue. 

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

My future job


In this moment I`m in my fourth year of Psychology, and for this reason I`ve been thinking a lot in my future and in specially in my future job.

I imagine my job like psychologist in a constant relationship with other  people, in fact, I want to work in the clinical junior area of the psychology and for that reason I always have to treat young patients. I prefer this area, over others, because I think the adolescence is a lovely period of life and I consider this step is so important to the consolidation of the future adult. Every person have to get over their own themes of the adolescence to be a happy adult. I think this time is difficult and a lot of teenager need help and I want to be use full to them. And the work with teenager is a challenger to me and this I love it!.

My job probably will be indoors, because to attend patient you have to have a room and a establish setting. But I want to do my job in other contexts, especially outdoors.

I imagine my future job very active. The most commune in my area is that I have 2 or 3 places to work, because the mental institutions don`t give you a lot of work hours. And for this the salary is low. But this characteristic I love it! I can`t imagine me in just one place. I need the action and the movement.   

To finish, I want to say that I need a job to make me happy, in other way, I can`t do it for a lot of time.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Election day

What a interesting theme is the election day in a country. I say this not just for the result of this process, that is important too, but I refer to be participate and with the popular power influence in the national organization. But, in our times, what happen when the candidates are a completely shit?

Well, my opinion about this situation, for some people could be controversial, because, for one side, I believe in the election like a important civil action, this mean that I think the all citizen has the right to express his opinion in this situation and the social compromise with the other citizens. 

For other side, I think that the elections are not the only way to participate like citizenship. Is the most institutional way, and we don`t forget the rest. As well as,the politicians take advantage of this situation and transform this in a real joke. For example, I think the electoral campaigns are expensive circus, that disguise the real intentions of the politicians and confuse the people. In addition to this, the politicians in generally are people who lie in their electoral campaigns and when they are selected for the citizenship they are interest in their issue, not in the popular matter. They are not represent us. They are thief of the money of the nation. In summary, the political environment is disgusting. For this reasons I never want to be a politician and be surrounded for this atmosphere.

For this reason, in the next  presidential election I will go to vote, but I will annul my right, like a protest, like an option. And I want invite you to do the same! If every Chilean person will go to the elections and annul their vote, the elections will be completely illegitimate. And the solution will be vote infinitive times until exist a decent candidate. 

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015


Hello everyone!

In this post I want to tell you about a country I would like to visit.  

I really dream to go to MEXICO! There are many reason to go to this place, but there are two best of those ones. The first one is Frida Kalho and the second one is the "tequilas".

In first place, Frida Kalho is my favorite artist in the world and she was born and lived in MEXICO, specifically in Coyoacán, Ciudad de Mexico. In this city her house became a museum, where her pictures are exhibited.

In second place, I can imagine MEXICO like an entertaining country and the Mexicans like  fun- loving people. MEXICO has diferent touristic attraction, for example the Azteca`s pyramid, the Maya riberbank, the MEXICO square, Televisa, etc.

I want to visit all of this!!! And of course, my best company will be the "tequilas" I can imagine myself eating a "burrito" on the street and then drinking another "tequila" listening the "mariachis".

I am completely sure that I´d like to live there for a few months.


miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015



My name is Nicole González, I´m 28 years old and I study Psychology.  I`m in my eighth semester and just one year to finish my career. Well, this is my second career. The first one was Theatre. Yes, I`m an actress, but for different reasons I decided to study another thing and I`m so happy doing this.

Regarding to this course, I think my weaknesses in English are grammar and vocabulary, for that reason I usually make mistakes when I talk and when I write and my expressions are so simple.
I think that my strengths in English are listening and my pronunciation.

My expectations for this class are to improve my English and spend a great time learning this language.