Well, when I think in my friends I can see in my mind some faces. But when I think in a best friend just one face comes to my mind: My sister.I know that it is my sister first, and for some people this is a trick. But she really is my best friend.
Her name is Marcela and she is an a extraordinary woman. She is so smart, funny and kind. She is so authentic, she doesn't need decorations or tricks to be loved. She can give you the best pieces of advice while she shares with you a cup of tea, a pisco sour or just a great moment.

I can say that I always know her. But in first time we were just sisters and with the past of the years we became real friends. I think this happened, because we became aware that we were so similar in some way and we enjoyed sharing time together.
I love Marcela! Because there isn't any human being on the earth who knows me so well or as much as her and vice versa. Also I enjoyed all the situations that we live together, even the worst that the life presents. She has always been present in the most important events of my life in spite of the fact that she is living in Australia.
There are so many memories that I have with her, but the best was when she got married and I helped her with all the organization of the wedding. It was a crazyness! But I really enjoyed to see her so happy and I loved sharing that personal process with her.
I don't want to sound cheesy but I really feel that she is my soul mate and I hope to continue sharing my life with her.
It was a surprise to me know that you choose to your sister. It was a beautiful story! You two are so close and you love her so much!
in my opinion Marcela is very extraordinary woman, I considerer your friendship very important.
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ResponderBorrarMy day is just starting in the other side of the globe; and believe me, there is no better way to start a Friday than this one. I feel deeply touched by my beloved sister's words, and I can only confirm I feel the same :) If I was that smiley bottle of tequila, Nicole would be the salt, the lime, and the Tabasco. We all know that a good tequila needs of all these great flavours to be completed. Otherwise, it becomes nothing but a bitter alcoholic drink. And that is how I feel about my sister; she completes me in all forms, and I love her very much :) Missing you Nico, you know I think about you every day -even though a whole ocean separates us at the moment.
ResponderBorrarP.S. Your English has improved sooo much!!! I'll show James tonight :)
Your sister is your best friend? Wow is very cute :) and unusual I think hahaha