I have to confess that I'm ignorant about this theme. I don't know so much things about environmentally friendly practices, just that everybody have to recycle, because the trash is a big problem for our planet.
I live in a commercial neighborhood and in this part of the city don't exist a recycling system, for that reason, I don't recycling, but I really want to do it.
For other hand, I use the bicycle to move for the city, I don`t do this every day but I try to do it the most of the time. And I prefer walk some distances instead of use the public transportation.
I don`t belong to any eco-organization at this moment, because I don`t have time to join me and work for this cause. But I try to publisher on my Facebook some important information about the care of the planet. For example, I always post information about Greenpeace or the way to reduce the production of trash, or recycling`s ideas.
I think that missing in our society regarding this issue is become aware about the damage that we produce every day to the planet. If we realize about this, probably we change our actions in relation to the care of the planet. And I think this generally conscience has to promote for the Estate, like a government issue.
Hello, is very important that eat vegetarian food, it is avery relevant decision.